April 10, 2011

Sunday Scrutiny - The fast week

Well, I have a very sad report to make about this last week. Running wise it was less than stellar. Life wise it was pretty freaking fantastic. 

Since it is only one week until the Vancouver Sun Run, I am getting worried about the speed aspect of the race. I can run many miles at 5:00/km pace but pushing it down to 4:00 and under is daunting. So I worked on doing some speed this week. So the mileage was way down. 

I did two easy runs of 10 km each to start off the week and then did a 4k tempo (managed to stay at 3:45/km pace) and was very happy about that. Then I took a day off to rest my speedy legs and then did another tempo run on Saturday. Pulled of 5km at 4:00 pace and was well-tired after that affair. But I felt very comfortable with the speed. I must be deranged when I think that it would be nice to do a nice marathon or trail run rather than pump out a 10k. But I am also excited for the challenge and I think it will be great for my training. I am still developing my race plan and I will let you know when I have it developed. Next week will see me cut down the mileage as I prepare for the race. I also made a whole whack load of spaghetti for the next week. Gotta load up on those carbs. That was one problem with last week, When I ran I felt out of energy. That will not happen this week.

Life outside of running has been great. I watched the Vancouver Canucks lost to the Oilers, always good when my team wins. But, I will be cheering wholeheartedly for the Canucks in the playoffs. LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!

Then last night, I hung out with some awesome people and watched the Canucks edge out a victory of the most hated of teams for an Oilers fan, the Calgary Flames. Also, Canada won gold at the World Curling Championships. Nicely done.

My classes were great this week. We are having some amazing debates and my students are really getting into the election. They are angered about a lot of issues. So that is great to see. It can be so hard to teach politics, but I am really trying to hear their voices and opinions.

Cam in deep contemplation. Thailand (2008)

Also, the future is looking brighter than ever. I am heading down to Montreal at the end of the summer to visit some amazing friends and help one of my best friends move. He is beginning the 12 year process (joke) to achieve his phd. Amazing Cam, amazing. Then I have plans to head to Hawaii, Nepal, Tibet, Pakistan, India, Canyonlands in Utah and Alberta next year. I have also possibly recruited another team member. Man, life is really turning up Chris. A lot can happen when you start to absorb what life throws at you instead of trying to control it.

Weekly total: 29 km
Yearly total: 189 km

1 comment:

  1. Absorbing life, going with the flow, and making the best of what comes your way is an amazing philosophy to hold. All the best, Chris!
