April 3, 2011

Absorb Life

This is St. Paul's Cathedral in London. Enough said. Amazingly this pictures was taken with nothing more than a cheap little point and shoot camera. Many people think that you have to have great cameras to get great pictures. That is simply not true. You just need the desire and willingness to get out in the world, absorb what it presents and find a subject matter that is enthralling. It is not the quality of a picture that makes people remember it, it is the story it tells. 

The story that this picture tells us is that we need to look beyond the spectacle and absorb all the little details of life that make it so worth while. Sometimes we get so absorbed with one thing we forget everything else going on around us. To me, this picture shows a side of St. Paul's not often seen by the flocks of tourists who are on a whirlwind holiday. People need to take time to walk around and take in all the little details. Sometimes we just need to slow down and absorb more. We can still keep focused on spectacle but take time to wander around and gain new perspectives on life and the world.

"We should stop trying to control life and instead simply absorb it."
                                                                                  Chris Pedersen

If you have time, grab your camera, find something in your city that is photographed a lot and walk around it. I guarantee you will find something that nobody else has even thought to look for before.


  1. Fabulous picture, inspiring quote ... thanks!

  2. Thank you. Everyone should try to absorb as much as we can from life. This is one of my favourite Europe pictures.
