February 20, 2011

2 things I could not run without

Reading a friends blog recently, I was inspired when she wrote about three things that she could not live without. That inspired me to add a post about 2 things I could not live without and run without. These are only two items, there are many more things and people I could not live without (like my parents,  my wonderful girlfriend and my friends), but, here we go with the material goods.

Two things I could not live without:

1) My Mac Book Pro - I use this every single day to do research, plan lessons, edit pictures, create training journals, surf the internet, watch movies, edit videos. I would be lost without my computer, it is absolutely indispensable.

2) Flip Flops - I wear flip flops whenever I can. Lately it has been when I go to the mall or for groceries. In the summer I am never without them. Many people know me for wearing flip flops when a person should not wear flip flops. They are the most comfortable footwear available and I love them. I had my last pair for 6 years and they were held together only by duct tape. 

Two things I could not run without:

 This was a little bit trickier as there are the necessary items like shoes, shorts, socks, etc. So I gave it a good stab in the dark.

1) A watch of GPS system - i cannot stand running without knowing how long or how far I have gone. This comes from running track for so many years and being required to catalogue our training times. Now I use a Garmin Forerunner to track how far I have gone and I could not un without this. I need to know what I have accomplished, it keeps me sane. Some friends of mine run without watches, but they are nuts. Even on established routes I still bring my Garmin.

2) No music - I am not a huge fan of running with music. I will do it occasionally on long, slow runs, but I prefer to hear what is going on around me and also have time to think about things. I get some of my best thinking done while running or in the shower. Music distracts me and also prevents me from hearing the sounds of the environment I am running in. Especially when I am in the forest or on trails I love to listen to the sound of nature, not Kanye or the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

So that is what i enjoy running with. I have my favourite brands and other delightful idiosyncrasies, but these are two important facets of my running I thought I would share with you.


  1. Hey Chris! I didn't realise you had a blog otherwise I would have followed you sooner!... Mines also new :)

    How's it going, it seems like your doing well! I sometimes (ok often times) miss the time we all spent in Zim and miss being able to travel for a month straight!

    Good luck with all your training!

  2. Hey,

    Yeah I just started it. It is fun writing about what I am doing. I can share my pain and success with others. I enjoy your blog. It is great to read. When I have spares or between prepping for my classes I enjoy reading it.

    I miss Africa so much. I can't wait to get back. I was in California this summer for a month after graduation, that was great.

    I am doing well. Busy finishing up school and teaching. I moved to Vancouver, which was a great move. I am enjoying teaching and all that.

    Sounds like Africa is treating you well. Everything going well?

    I look forward to reading more of your blog.
